
Testing...Testing...one two three...Testing

Occasionally I come across lyrics that are actually useful...sometimes in unusual places-like trendy teen pop music. I bumped into a meaningful bit (or at least I liked the catchy way she communicated the logic) in an Avril Lavigne song..."why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated. Life's like this: you fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty..."
This I find is one of those lovely little saying applicable to so many situations: political, relationships, hell-even cooking...(that was directed at my Martha Stewart cookbook-why Do you have to make things so complicated Martha?)
If more people would realize-life is like this. You fall (we all make mistakes) you crawl (deal with consequences of actions) you break (be a human being...it is what you are) you take what you get and you turn it into honesty (make the genuine effort to be a responsible individual)...
use reason, judgement, sound logic....life is not fair-ask why, then make it better, if you can't-offer comfort to those that need it.
This life we have right now is not a test run.  Life is not fair...it just Is. And what it Is needs to become more of a conscious group effort.  So come alive! Look at your neighbor-realize its not just one person...or one small group of people on this planet. We're asses to elbows folks. 


  1. Well played l.h.l.
    A line from a song that's been rattling around in my head: " Stand up, stand and look alive."--Matt Sheehy

  2. Tea is duct tape for the soul! I have had many wonderful conversations with friends and family over a steaming cup of tea. The art of conversation is slowly dying out and I feel it's due to technology. Everyone feels they have to be plugged in all the time.
